Titov pass cirquit (bundle) / 2 days

The most popular attractions of Tuyuksy and Gorel’nik gorges in one bundle package! Lakes, glaciers, peaks, waterfalls – it’s all there!

Flexible and customizable route. There is always shortcut and plan B.
Our first (optional) destination is this unique high-altitude moraine lake #6 (3600 masl) with a glacier hanging above. Being well controlled and drained on a daily basis it is still one of the main threats to the mountain city. Camping at Mynzhylky plateau.
Valley of the glaciers (3300 masl) is one of the must-visit places near Almaty. Surrounded by stone walls and several pulsating glaciers it will take your breath away. Optional camping on soft sandy glacial beach.
Titov’ pass (3600 masl) is personally the awesomest place near Almaty given its hard-to-reach accessibity and MiddleEarth-ish landscapes. You will have to gain 400 meters of hard climb to the Titov’ Pass but the view worth it!
Then we roll down the quite steep trail to get to the circus’ lakes (swimmable!).
Return back to the road down by the beautiful Gorel’nik gorge with refreshing waterfall shower.

Fee per person: $400/1 person, $250/2, $200/3, and so on. Be ready to carry a proportionate part of a load (porter services are available).

What’s included

Option 1/ possible extension to three days (+Titov peak 3850, Kumbel peak 3200, Kok-Zhailau plateau, $500/1 person, $300/2, $250/3, and so on). 31 km/ +2800/ -3400m.

Option 2/ Single day killer hike to T1 & Titov’ pass down by Gorelnik (excl. lake#6, 22km) is also available. Only for true crumps junkies. You’re so gonna regret it! Fee per person: $300/1 person, $200/2, $150/3, and so on.

Season: May-Oct.

Profile of the route (2 d)

Distance: 27,5 km
Elevation gain/loss: 2180m/2783m
Difficulty: hard.