4 peaks circuit

The hike that can be both easy and difficult depending on the direction of the circuit. 
Easy – tram takes us right to the Big Talgar Pass, then 385 meters of elevation gain to Chimbulachka (3450masl) and then it is all downhill from here. Bashuta peak, Panorama peak, Furmanova’ mountain, famous swings, Kimasar gorge and, finally, Medeo.
Hard one goes clockwise and implies ascent by almost 1900 meters. You have to be fast enough to get to the Pass before the cable lines are closed (schedule depends on season) otherwise it is gonna be a long, long twilight downhill to Chimbulak base station. Expect early departure.

You will be able to see panoramic views of the whole area, including Talgar peak – the highest point of Zailiysky Alatau.

Fee per person: $200/1 person, $150/2, $130/3, and so on. Please mind that 1900 m downhill still may be hard for anyone with little experience in hiking.
Fee per person (hard): $400/1 person, $300/2, $250/3, and so on.

What’s included?

Season: all year round

Profile of the route

Distance: 11,5 km (hiking only)
Duration (apprx): 6-8 hours
Elevation gain: 385/1900 m
Difficulty: medium/hard depending on direction

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