Summer only! Difficulty-moderate. Only for experienced trekkers.
4 days, 3 nights of unforgettable beauty.
The most popular multi-day trekking near Almaty takes you from the Small gorge to the Big one along the gorge of Left Talgar, from Medeo area right to the Big Almaty lake. On our way we gonna pass several climate zones such as alpine meadows, pine forests, glaciers and the beast of 4000m Tourists’ pass.
Day 1. Big Talgar pass – Sunny glade camping. 9,6km/+513 meters elevation gain/-1050 meters elevation loss.
Day 2. To the camping near Tourists’ circus. 8km/+866.
Day 3. Tourists’ pass (4000masl) and to the base camp of Sovetov’ peak. 12,5km/+620/-1030.
Day 4. Big Almaty lake, roadblock by the paved road, taxi to city. 11km/-1345.
Fee: $1000 (group of 1-2 people) + $150 for each plus one. Includes cable to Talgar Pass. Be ready to carry a proportionate part of a load (porter services are available).
IMPORTANT!!! The area is interstate borderline so bring your valid IDs (subject to examination by border patrols).
Season: July – Sept (depends on weather).